MCQ From Three Questions Class XII /All Important Multiple Choice Questions From Three Questions /Three question mcq class 12/Three question mcq with answers

MCQ From Three Questions Class XII /All Important Multiple Choice Questions From Three Questions /Three question mcq class 12/Three question mcq  with answers

Three question mcq class 12/Three question mcq  with answers
MCQ from Three Question

1) The hermit received none but -

a)    emperors

b)    common folk

c)    kings

d)    the Tsar

                    Ans-b)    common folk .

2) The hermit was -

a)    tall and weak

b)    short and weak

c)    frail and strong

d)    frail and weak

            Ans- d)    frail and weak .

3) The bearded man was wounded by -

a)    the Tsar's son

b)    the Tsar's enemy

c)    the Tsar's himself

d)    the Tsar's bodyguard

        Ans- d)    the Tsar's bodyguard .

4) The Tsar asked the hermit -

a)    one question

b)    two questions

c)    four questions

d)    three question

        Ans - d)    three questions .

5) The first question is about the right-

a)    man

b)    thing

c)    time

d)    face

        Ans- c)    time .

6) The second question was... "Who were the"-

a)    good rulers

b)    good workers

c)    right people

d)    right friends

        Ans- c)    right people .

7) The third question pertains to -

a)    most important work

b)    highest honour

c)    greatest evil

d)    utmost bravery

        Ans - a)    most important work .

8) The main character of this story is -

a)    the Tsar

b)    the wounded man

c)    the hermit

d)    the author

        Ans- a)    the Tsar .

9) The Tsar was -

a)    The name of the English ruler

b)    The name of a Sultan

c)    The title of he erstwhile Russian Emperor or king

d)    The title of an Indian Raja

        Ans- c)    The title of he erstwhile Russian Emperor or king .

10) The story mostly takes place in-

a)    The King's palace

b)    the woods

c)    the hermit's hut

d)    the enemy territory

        Ans- c)    the hermit's hut .

11) The main character of this story is looking for -

a)    war

b)    wisdom

c)    revenge

d)    a trench

        Ans- b)    wisdom .

12) Whom did the Tsar call at first to answer his three questions -

a)    the peasants of the land

b)    the brave warriors

c)    the learned men

d)    a particular hermit

        Ans - c)    the learned men .

13) The Tsar wanted answers to the questions so that he could be -

a)    powerful

b)    rich

c)    always successful

d)    more intelligent

        Ans- c)    always successful .

14) In answer to the first question of the Tsar, he was advised to go to -

a)    the hermit

b)    a magician

c)    the bearded man

d)    a wise man

        Ans- b)    a magician .

15) The hermit never quitted -

a)    the cottage he lived in

b)    the road he could see

c)    the retreat he lived in

d)    the wood he lived in

        Ans- d)    the wood he lived in .

16) The answers given to the Tsar by the wisemen were-

a)    same

b)    different

c)    illogical

d)    satisfactory

        Ans- b)    different .

17) In answer to the third question, some replied the most important thing in the world was -

a)    skill in warfare

b)    worship

c)    science

d)    love

        Ans- c)    science .

18) The Tsar did not give anyone the promised reward as-

a)    the answers were vague

b)    the answers were silly

c)    the answers were dissimilar

d)    the answers would not serve any purpose

        Ans-c)    the answers were dissimilar .

19) The hermit did not answer the Tsar because -

a)    he wanted the Tsar should wait

b)    he did not want the Tsar to dig any more

c)    he did not want the Tsar to leave

d)    he did not know how to answer the Tsar

        Ans- a)    he wanted the Tsar should wait .

20) "Forgive me!" -Who said it ?

a)    The hermit

b)    A bodyguard of the Tsar

c)    A common man

d)    The Tsar's enemy

        Ans- d)    The Tsar's enemy .

21) The Tsar asked the hermit for his answers_______ times. 

a)    three

b)    two

c)    four

d)    many

        Ans- a)    three .

22) The blood flowing from the deep wound on the man's stomach was stopped by -

a)    the man himself

b)    the hermit

c)    The Tsar

d)    both the Tsar and the hermit

        Ans- c)    The Tsar .

23) The Tsar was very glad -

a)    to save a wounded man

b)    to have made peace with his enemy

c)    to meet the hermit

d)    to hear his advice

        Ans- b)    to have made peace with his enemy .

24) The bearded man wanted to-

a)    meet the Tsar

b)    take revenge on the Tsar

c)    meet the hermit

d)    hunt in the wood.

        Ans- b)    take revenge on the Tsar .

25) The wound was bandaged with -

a)    cotton and gauge

b)    torn clothes

c)    handkerchief and towel

d)    surgical cloth

        Ans- c)    handkerchief and towel .

26) Before walking to the cottage of the hermit, the Tsar came -

a)    on foot

b)    on horse back

c)    in a chariot

d)    in a carriage

        Ans- b)    on horse back .

27) The incident narrated in the story happened in the -

a)    winter

b)    summer

c)    autumn

d)    morning

        Ans- b)    summer .

28) The story "Three Questions" is molded in the form of a -

a)    fable

b)    parable

c)    gospel

d)    epistle

        Ans-b)    parable .

29) The Tsar wanted to know whom to -

a)    invite

b)    rely on

c)    suspect

d)    avoid

        Ans-  d)    avoid .

30) The hermit was known all over the kingdom for his -

a)    wit

b)    wealth

c)    strength

d)    wisdom

        Ans- d)    wisdom .

31) The hermit was digging the ground as he was -

a)    making a well

b)    hiding the treasure

c)    making seedbeds

d)    to teach the Tsar a lesson

        Ans- c)    making seedbeds .

32) With the help of the hermit the Tsar laid the wounded man on the -

a)    bed

b)    matrass

c)    threshold

d)    porch

        Ans- a)    bed .

33) After the man revived he asked for -

a)    food

b)    drink

c)    wine

d)    forgiveness

        Ans- b)    drink .

34) The bearded man told the Tsar -

a)    'Excuse me'

b)    'Save me'

c)    'Good bye'

d)    'Forgive me'

        Ans- d)    'Forgive me' .

35) That night the sleep of the Tsar was -

a)    light

b)    scrappy

c)    sound

d)    occasional

        Ans- c)    sound .

36) The Tsar promised the wounded man -

a)    to set free his brother

b)    to reward him

c)    to restore his property

d)    nothing

        Ans- c)    to restore his property .

37) The word council mean -

a)    a body of experts

b)    a team of players

c)    a body for consultation

d)    a group of soldiers

        Ans- c)    a body for consultation .

38) 'It once occurred to a certain king...."The word 'occurred' means -

a)    obstructed

b)    happened

c)    occupied

d)    got

        Ans- b)    happened .

39) "...not letting oneself be absorbed in idle pastimes..." The word 'pastimes means -

a)    spending time

b)    leisure

c)    activities

d)    entertainments

        Ans- a)    spending time .

40) "...he consulted a hermit, widely renowned for his wisdom"-- The word 'renowned' means -

a)    lazy

b)    moderate

c)    eminent

d)    intelligent

        Ans- c)    eminent .

41) "and before reaching the hermit's cell, dismounted from his horse."

'Dismounted' means -

a)    got into a mountain

b)    got through

c)    got up

d)    got down

        Ans- d)    got down .

42) "And what affairs are the most important."

Here 'affair' means -

a)    hobby

b)    activity

c)    business

d)    wish

        Ans- c)    business .

43) The word 'threshold' means -

a)    end

b)    outset

c)    dawn

d)    the ground of the entrance to a room

        Ans- d)    the ground of the entrance to a room .

44) Here the word 'executed' means -

a)    slew

b)    completed

c)    failed

d)    achieved

        Ans- a)    slew .

45) "So I came out from my ambush to find you..."

The word 'ambush' means -

a)    jungle

b)    hiding place

c)    tent

d)    castle

        Ans- a)    jungle .

46) The word 'porch 'means -

a)    floor

b)    roof

c)    verandah

d)    balcony

        Ans- c)    verandah .

47) "...and you would have repented of not having..."

The word 'repented' means -

a)    regained

b)    reclined

c)    worried

d)    regretted

        Ans- d)    regretted .

48) In the morning Tsar saw the hermit -

a)    sowing seeds

b)    preparing the seedbeds

c)    ploughing the field

d)    doing nothing

        Ans- a)    sowing seeds .

49) The Tsar repeated his questions when he had dug______ beds.

a)    one

b)    two

c)    three

d)    all

        Ans- b)    two .

50) Being tired the Tsar fell asleep in the -

a)    bed

b)    porch

c)    threshold

d)    verandah

        Ans- c)    threshold .

51) The man said that he had to come out of the -

a)     hut

b)     ambush

c)     cottage

d)     forest

        Ans- b)     ambush .

52) The Tsar started digging the ground with a/an -

a)     axe

b)     knife

c)     spade

d)     scythe

        Ans- c)     spade .

53) The opposite to 'quitted' is -

a)     entered

b)     reigned

c)     occupied

d)     released

        Ans- c)     occupied .

54) The opposite of 'common' is -

a)     useful 

b)     unique

c)     special

d)     released

        Ans- c)     special .

55) 'Still crouching on his thin legs' -

The word 'crouching' means -

a)     standing 

b)     stopping with knee bent

c)     balancing

d)     giving pressure

        Ans- b)     stopping with knee bent .

56) According to the hermit, man was sent into this life with the purpose -

a)     to do good to others

b)     to serve one's purpose 

c)     to help the kings

d)     to save the life of a wounded man

        Ans- b)     to serve one's purpose  .

57) The man was attacked by the Tsar's -

a)     friends

b)     soldiers

c)     bodyguards

d)     servants

        Ans- c)     bodyguards .

58) The man resolved to _____ the Tsar.

a)     kill

b)     meet

c)     attend

d)     save

        Ans- a)     kill .

59) The Tsar was glad to have made _____ the Tsar.

a)     friendship

b)     relation

c)     peace

d)     argument

        Ans- c)     peace .

60)     He said that he would send his own ______ to attend the man.

a)     physician

b)     magician

c)     hermit

d)     bodyguard

        Ans- a)     physician .

61) The Tsar went out into the _______ and looked around for the hermit.

a)     garden

b)     open

c)     porch

d)     field

        Ans- c)     porch .

62) The Tsar would have repented not staying with the -

a)     wounded man 

b)     enemy

c)     hermit

d)     bodyguard

        Ans- c)     hermit .

63) The most important time is -

a)    past

b)     now

c)     future

d)     then

        Ans- b)     now .

64) The most necessary man is he with whom -

a)     you eat

b)     you live

c)     you are

d)     you roam

        Ans- c)     you are .


65) Which of these statements are true?

a)     The Tsar was cruel and unjust.

b)     The Tsar was kind and helpful, but he was not very clever.

c)     The Tsar was kind and helpful, but he was not strong.

d)     The Tsar was kind and helpful, but was also shrewd and just.

        Ans- c)     The Tsar was kind and helpful, but he was not strong .

66) The hermit told the Tsar that the latter could get the answers from -

a)     dictionary

b)     internet

c)     experiences of his own life

d)     encyclopaedia

        Ans- c)     experiences of his own life .

67) According to the hermit, it was for a good reason that Tsar had pitied the hermit's -

a)     poverty

b)     old ate

c)     weakness

d)     indecision

        Ans- c)     weakness .

68) In search of the hermit, the Tsar went out into the -

a)     porch

b)     street

c)     garden

d)     visitor's cottage

        Ans- a)     porch .

69) The most important affair is -

a)     to do good with whom we are

b)     to do harm the selfish

c)     to be indifferent with whom we are

d)     to apologize to the man with whom we are

        Ans- a)     to do good with whom we are .

70) The best duty of an individual is to -

a)     serve his family

b)     serve his fellowmen selflessly

c)     serve his children

d)     serve his country

        Ans- b)     serve his fellowmen selflessly .

71) The antonym of 'ceased' is -

a)     opened

b)     stopped

c)     gifted

d)     started

        Ans- b)     stopped .

72) Who came running towards the Tsar and the hermit?

a)     A farmer

b)     A soldier

c)     A barber

d)     A wounded man having beard

        Ans- d)     A wounded man having beard .

73) How did the hermit look?

a)     Weak

b)     Tired and weak

c)     Tired

d)     Glad

        Ans- b)     Tired and weak .

74) Why could not the Tsar answer the questions himself?

a)     He was ignorant

b)     He was not intelligent

c)     He was confused and needed help from the wise man

d)     He was confused

        Ans- c)     He was confused and needed help from the wise man .

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