The eyes have it mcq question answer/the eyes have it mcq /mcq from the eyes have it class xii

The eyes have it mcq question answer/the eyes have it mcq /mcq from the eyes have it class xii 

MCQ From  The Eyes Have It By Ruskind Bind Class XII
MCQ From The Eyes Have It

1. The author of 'The Eyes Have It' is - 

    a)      Meredith

    b)     Tolstoy

    c)      Ruskin Bond

   d)      John Kipling

                        Ans-    c)      Ruskin Bond.

2)What sort of literature is 'The Eyes Have It'?

     a)    A novelette

     b)    A play

     c)    A short story

     d)    A story

            Ans-    c)    A short story.

3)The number of the actual characters in 'The Eyes Have It ' are-

   a)     tow 

   b)     four

   c)    three

   d)    five

            Ans- c)    three.

4)What is the best time in Mussoorie?

    a)    September

   b)    October

   c)    November

   d)    December

            Ans-  b)    October.

5)According to the narrator the girl had a/an -

    a)    pretty face

    b)    odd face

    c)    small face

    d)    interesting face

            Ans- d)    interesting face.

6)".....the train pulled out of the station" -What was the station?

    a)    Dehradun

    b)    Kanpur

    c)    Saharanpur

    d)     Rohana

            Ans- c)    Saharanpur.

7)".....then a girl got in."

_Where from did the girl get in at -

    a)    Saharanpur

    b)    Dehradun 

   c)     Rohana

    d)    Mussoorie

            Ans-  c)     Rohana .

8)The word 'tantalizing' is used to mean -

   a)    charming

  b)    excessive

  c)    sweet

  d)    irresistible

        Ans- a)    charming.

9)"Are you going all the way to Dehra?" -Who is referred to here as 'You'?

   a)    The couple

   b)    A co-passenger of the narrator

  c)    The girl

   d)    None of three

        Ans- c)    The girl.

10)The eyes of the narrator was sensitive only to - 

    a)    light

    b)    light and darkness

    c)    darkness

    d)    colour

        `Ans- b)    light and darkness.

11)According to the narrator of the short story 'The Eyes Have It', aunts are -

    a)    formidable creatures

    b)    friendly creatures

    c)    fickle creatures

    d)    formal creatures

        Ans-  a)    formidable creatures.

12)According to the narrator of the short story 'The Eyes Have It' few girls can resist -

    a)    flattery

    b)    annoyance

    c)    smoking    

    d)    drinking

        Ans- a)    flattery.

13)" I wondered if I would be able to prevent her from discovering that I was blind" by-

     a)    putting on dark glasses

    b)    lying on my back

    c)    keeping silent

    d)    keeping to my seat

            Ans-   d)    keeping to my seat.

14)'The Eyes Have It '  is -

    a)    an essay

    b)    a short story

    c)    an article

    d)    an autobiography

            Ans-  b)    a short story.

15)"The window was open, and I faced it , making a pretance of....." -

    a)    studying the landscapes

    b)    studying the houses

    c)    enjoying the beauty of nature outside

    d)    studying the valleys

            Ans- a)    studying the landscapes.

16)The perfume from the girl's hair was -

    a)    tantalizing 

    b)    terrifying 

    c)    irritating

    d)    pleasant

            Ans-  a)    tantalizing .

17)The girl's parents seemed very anxious about her comfort because -

    a)    she was blind 

    b)    she boarded the train for the first time

    c)    she was homesick

    d)    she was young and charming

            Ans-  a)    she was blind .

18)The groaning sound of the carriage that was heard by the narrator after the departure of the girl symbolizes the narrator's-

    a)    pathetic state of mind

    b)    excitement 

    c)    optimism

    d)    joy and jollity

            Ans- a)    pathetic state of mind.

19)"She was completely blind. Didn't you notice". -This is an example of -

    a)    exclamation

    b)    irony

    c)    interrogation

    d)    metaphor

            Ans- b)    irony.

20)The word similar to 'formidable' is -

    a)    fearsome

    b)    quarrelsome

    c)    ease

    d)    troublesome

            Ans-  b)    quarrelsome.

21)The word similar to 'anxious' is -

    a)    antipathy

    b)    worried

    c)    sympathy

    d)    indifference

            Ans-  b)    worried.

22)The word 'encounter' means-

    a)    flee away

    b)    violence

    c)    attack

    d)    sudden meeting

            Ans-  d)    sudden meeting.

23)The opposite word of 'fascinating' is -

    a)    interesting

    b)    fabulous

    c)    dull

    d)    fastening

            Ans-    a)    interesting.

24)What did the narrator guess about the girl's hairstyle?

    a)    Her hair was in bun

    b)    Her hair was plaited 

    c)    Her hair was hanging loose

    d)    He had no idea

            Ans- d)    He had no idea .

25)"It was a safe remark." -What was the safe remark?

    a)    The girl had a sweet voice

    b)    The girl's carrings were very attractive

    c)    The girl's eyes were very beautiful 

    d)    The girl had an interesting face

            Ans- d)    The girl had an interesting face.

26)How are the aunts usually according to the narrator?

     a)    Self-control

    b)    Quarrelsome

    c)    Amiable

    d)    formidable

            Ans-   d)    formidable.

27)According to Ruskin Bond, the best time of visiting the hills is -

    a)    September

    b)    November

    c)    October

    d)    December

            Ans-  c)    October.

28)The blind girl said that she would get off at -

    a)    Nainital

    b)    Dehra

    c)    Mussoorie

    d)    Saharanpur

            Ans-    d)    Saharanpur.


29)The blind girl said that she loved the -

    a)    trees

    b)    hill

    c)    animals

    d)    forests

            Ans-  b)    hill.

30)'The sun is delicious'. Here 'delicious' means -

    a)    tasty

    b)    pleasant

    c)    unpleasant

    d)    scorching

            Ans-   b)    pleasant.

31)The narrator did not want to disclose to the girl that he was -

    a)    completely blind

    b)    going to Dehra

    c)    partially bling

    d)    going to Mussoorie

            Ans-  a)    completely blind.

32)"Then I made a mistake" -.... the word 'mistake' means -

    a)    error

    b)    misfortune

    c)    mishap

    d)    miserable

            Ans-  a)    error.

33)"Have you noticed." I ventured. The narrator ventured to say -

    a)    that the trees were running backwards

    b)    that he loved the girl

    c)    that the animals were grazing in the distance

    d)    that the telegraph posts were running backwards.

            Ans- a)    that the trees were running backwards.

34)In the short story, "The Eyes Have It " the girl was tired of people telling her that she had-

    a)    an interesting face

    b)    a smiling face

    c)    a pretty face

    d)    a cute face

            Ans-    c)    a pretty face.

35)" Well an interesting face can also be pretty". This is said by -

    a)    the narrator 

    b)    the girl's parents

    c)    the girl

    d)    a man who entered the compartment

            Ans-a)    the narrator .

36)The thought of laughter only made the narrator of the short story entitled "The Eyes Have It" -

    a)    feel sad

    b)    feel troubled

    c)    feel tired

    d)    feel troubled and lonely

            Ans-d)    feel troubled and lonely.

37)The girl could not bear to sit in a train for more than -

    a)    one hour

    b)    two hours

    c)    two or three hours

    d)    six or seven hours

            Ans-  c)    two or three hours.

38)" -a high -pitched voice near the carriage door...." -The voice belonged to the -

a)    girl's aunt

b)    girl's mother

c)    narrator's mother

d)    vendor

            Ans-a)    girl's aunt.

39)The perfume of the girl's hair was -

a)    not pleasing

b)    tantalising

c)    irritating

d)    sweet

            Ans-b)    tantalising.

40)The narrator in the story 'The Eyes Have It ' could not touch the girl's hair because -

a)    he was afraid

b)    he was blind

c)    the girl moved away

d)    the third passenger came

            Ans-c)    the girl moved away.

41)The passenger who got into the train at Saharanpur broke into the narrator's -

a)    compartment

b)    imaginations

c)    seat

d)    reverie

            Ans-d)    reverie.

42)Bond's story "The Eyes Have It" ends with a -

a)    verbal

b)    dramatic story

c)    situational

d)    cosmic irony

    Ans- d)    cosmic irony .

43)The new passenger described the girl's eyes as -

a)    big and beautiful

b)    small and beautiful

c)    beautiful but blind

d)    blind and beautiful

            Ans-c)    beautiful but blind.

44)The story 'The Eyes Have It' deals with the theme of -

a)    dream and reality

b)    war and peace

c)    vision and blindness

d)    humanity and brutality

            Ans-c)    vision and blindness.

45)The new passenger who boarded the train at Saharanpur-

a)    apologised

b)    shouted 

c)    screamed

d)    criticised

            Ans-a)    apologised.

46)The game that the narrator played with his fellow-traveller was to -

a)    pretend that he could see

b)    pretend that he could not hear

c)    make conversation about things around them

d)    make sure that they did not realise that he could not see

            Ans-d)    make sure that they did not realise that he could not see.

47)The narrator wanted to know from the new passenger about the girl's -

a)    face

b)    hair style

c)    movement

d)    voice

            Ans-b)    hair style.

48)When the girl left the train, she made a parting remark for the narrator. It was -

a)    'see you again'

b)    'nice to meet you'

c)    'thank you'

d)    'good-bye'

            Ans-d)    'good-bye'.

49)The narrator was prepared to listen to the girl -

a)    one hour

b)    two hours

c)    not a single minute

d)    almost any length of time

            Ans-d)    almost any length of time.

50)The girl accompanied the narrator -

a)    from Rohana to Mussoorie

b)    from Rohana to Saharanpur

c)    from Mussorie to Dehra

d)    from Rohana to Dehra

            Ans-b)    from Rohana to Saharanpur.

51)The narrator was first attracted by the girl's -

a)    voice

b)    intelligence

c)    look

d)    dress

            Ans-a)    voice.

52)The safe remark made by the narrator is that -

a)    the girl had a beautiful face

b)    the girl had an interesting face

c)    the girl had a pretty face

d)    the girl had beautiful eyes

            Ans-b)    the girl had an interesting face.

53)"But it would stay with me for the rest of the journey and for sometimes after. "The word 'It' refer to -

a)    the scent of perfume from the girl's hair

b)    the girl's sweet voice

c)    the brief encounter between the girl and the narrator in the train compartment 

d)    the girl's remark about the beauty of the hills in October

            Ans-c)    the brief encounter between the girl and the narrator in the train compartment .

54)The man getting into the compartment begged an apology because -

a)    he had an unintentional collision with the girl

b)    he deliberately pushed the girl

c)    he abused the girl with harsh words

d)    he misbehaved with the girl

            Ans-a)    he had an unintentional collision with the girl.

55)The blind girl said that she loved the -

a)    Nainital

b)    Dehra

c)    Mussoorie

d)    Saharanpur

            Ans-c)    Mussoorie.

56)The blind girl said that she loved the -

a)    trees

b)    hills

c)    animals

d)    forests

            Ans-b)    hills.

57)The narrator had the compartment to himself upto -

a)    Saharanpur

b)    Rohana

c)    Dehradun

d)    Mussoorie

            Ans-b)    Rohana.

58)The girl in the train compartment thought the narrator to be -

a)    gallant

b)    gallant and serious

c)    serious

d)    pretentions

            Ans-b)    gallant and serious.

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