Othello MCQ questions and answers for Class 11/othello mcq class 11 rapid reader

Othello MCQ questions and answers for Class 11/othello class 11 rapid reader /class 11 othello rapid reader /othello by shakespeare class 11 rapid reader . 

Othello MCQ questions and answers for Class 11
Othello MCQ questions and answers for Class 11

Othello MCQ questions and answers for Class 11

 1) Othello's tragedy lies in the -

a)    trust on logo

b)    pride

c)    cruelty

d)    extreme love for Cassio

    Ans- a)    trust on logo .

2) Montano is the -

a)    Governor

b)    Chief Minister

c)    Duke of Cyprus

d)    Duke of Venice

    Ans- a)    Governor .

3) Cyprus is-

a)    an island

b)    a country

c)    a state

d)    a mountain

    Ans- a)    an island .

4) Being drunken Cassio fell out with-

a)    Montano

b)    an officer

c)    lago

d)    Othello

    Ans- b)    an officer .

5) Montano was wounded by-

a)    an officer in the army

b)    lago

c)    Cassio

d)    Brabantio

    Ans- a)    an officer in the army .

6) Desdemona-

a)    died of herself

b)    was killed by Othello

c)    was murdered by Cassio

d)    was killed by Montano

    Ans- b)    was killed by Othello .

7) lago was -

a)    good at heart

b)    learned

c)    very religious

d)    crafty

    Ans- d)    crafty .

8) lago became jealous of Othello when Othello -

a)    married Desdemona

b)    appointed Cassio second-in-command

c)    killed Desdemona

d)    killed Emilia

    Ans- b)    appointed Cassio second-in-command .

9) The handkerchief episode caused the death of-

a)    Emilia

b)    lago

c)    Desdemona

d)    Cassio

    Ans- c)    Desdemona .

10) 'Othello' is a-

a)    comic drama of Shakespeare

b)    historical drama of Shakespeare

c)    tragic drama of Shakespeare

d)    one-act play of Shakespeare

    Ans- c)    tragic drama of Shakespeare .

11) Brabantio is-

a)    a senator

b)    a rich Venetian and a Senator

c)    a rich Venetian

d)    a rich merchant

    Ans- b)    a rich Venetian and a Senator .

12) Emilia is Desdemona's-

a)    friend and companion

b)    rival

c)    sister

d)    attendant

    Ans- a)    friend and companion .

13) In the drama Othello the person who was killed first is-

a)    Desdemona 

b)    Othello

c)    Emilia

d)    lago

    Ans- a)    Desdemona  .

14) Emilia died for-

a)    loving Desdemona

b)    speaking the truth

c)    falling in love with Cassio

d)    loving Othello

    Ans- b)    speaking the truth .

15) Emilia was stabbed to death by-

a)    lago

b)    Cassio

c)    Othello

d)    Montano

    Ans- a)    lago .

16) What was the first gift of Othello to Desdemona-

a)    a gold chain 

b)    flowers

c)    a perfume

d)    a handkerchief

    Ans- d)    a handkerchief .

17) Why Othello had to go to Cyprus after Marriage?

a)    To spend a few days with his wife there

b)    To fight against the Turks

c)    To enjoy their conjugal life

d)    To spend a few days with his friends there

    Ans- b)    To fight against the Turks .

18) Wherefrom Othello got the handkerchief?-

a)    From his friend

b)    From the Duke of Cyprus

c)    From his dying mother

d)    From Cassio

    Ans- c)    From his dying mother .

19) Who disclosed the truth of handkerchief episode-

a)    Emilia

b)    Desdemona

c)    lago

d)    Cassio

    Ans- d)    Cassio .

20) What was Othello known for?-

a)    Othello was known for his bravery and generalship

b)    Othello was known for his sincerity and politeness

c)    Othello was known for his honor by the people

d)    Othello was known for his cruelty

    Ans- a)    Othello was known for his bravery and generalship .

21) When Othello accused Desdemona of being untrue to him, she-

a)    broke down and admitted her guilt

b)    stormed out of the chamber

c)    tried to divert his mind from serious thought

d)    was stupefied

    Ans- c)    tried to divert his mind from serious thought .

22) Who was lago?-

a)    lago was the best friend and well wisher of Othello

b)    lago was an officer and trusted by Othello

c)    lago was a noble man

d)    lago was the son of Venetian Senator

    Ans- b)    lago was an officer and trusted by Othello .

23) Othello accused Desdemona for being unfaithful to him. This-

a)    made Desdemona jealous

b)    gladdened Desdemona

c)    shocked Desdemona

d)    bereaved Desdemona

    Ans- c)    shocked Desdemona .

24) In describing Othello's restlessness the drugs that Shakespeare mentions as failing to bring him peace of mind are-

a)    Hasish and Poppy

b)    Poppy and Mandragora

c)    Hemp and Nightshade

d)    Hemlock and Poppy

    Ans- b)    Poppy and Mandragora .

25) Othello was ready to kill lago-

a)    When he learnt that his villainy had caused the murder of Desdemona

b)    Because lago attempted to murder him

c)    When he became jealous of Cassio

d)    Because lago attempted to murder Montano

    Ans- a)    When he learnt that his villainy had caused the murder of Desdemona .

26) Othello was highly esteemed and revered because-

a)    he was dark in complexion

b)    he was a valiant soldier

c)    he could tell wonderful stories

d)    he married Desdemona

    Ans- b)    he was a valiant soldier .

27) Desdemona was the daughter of -

a)    lago

b)    Cassio

c)    Brabantio

d)    The Duke of Venice

    Ans- c)    Brabantio .

28) Othello had promoted Cassio to the rank of-

a)    General 

b)    Duke

c)    Lieutenant

d)    Senator

    Ans- c)    Lieutenant .

29) The Turks had prepared to invade-

a)    Cyprus

b)    Africa

c)    France

d)    Venice

    Ans- a)    Cyprus .

30) Brabantio was-

a)    a rich Senator of Venice

b)    the Duke of Venice

c)    a general of Venice

d)    the lieutenant of Venice

    Ans- a)    a rich Senator of Venice .

31) Brabantio was a rich Senator of-

a)    Rome

b)    Ireland

c)    Venice

d)    Turks

    Ans- c)    Venice .

32) Desdemona was-

a)    beautiful

b)    gentle

c)    dark

d)    a and b

    Ans- d)    a and b .

33) To Desdemona the appearance and complexion of man were less important than-

a)    heart

b)    money

c)    behavior

d)    none

    Ans- a)    heart .

34) Othello was-

a)    fair complexion noble man

b)    fair complexion crafty man

c)    dark complexion noble man

d)    a coward

    Ans- c)    dark complexion noble man .

35) Desdemona regarded-

a)    the mind only

b)    the wealth only

c)    both mind and wealth

d)    the heart more than appearance and complexion of man

    Ans- d)    the heart more than appearance and complexion of man .

36) Desdemona chose the person of her affection-

a)    a black Moor

b)    a valiant soldier

c)    a Senator

d)    a merchant

    Ans- a)    a black Moor .

37) By his heroics in bloody wars against the Turks, Othello rose to the rank of-

a)    Lieutenant

b)    General in the Venetian service

c)    Senator

d)    none of these three

    Ans- b)    General in the Venetian service .

38) Othello had been raised to the rank of the general for his-

a)    heroics in bloody wars against the Turks

b)    heroics in bloody wars against the Romans

c)    his fair complexion and nobility

d)    all the three above

    Ans- a)    heroics in bloody wars against the Turks .

39) Desdemona loved to hear from Othello-

a)    the stories of human beings

b)    the stories of ghosts and spirits

c)    the stories of fairies

d)    the stories of adventure

    Ans- d)    the stories of adventure.

40) Othello would tell Desdemona about cannibals' who were-

a)    man-eaters

b)    bird-eaters

c)    dog-eaters

d)    snake-eaters

    Ans- a)    man-eaters .

41) When Othello finished his stories Desdemona would always-

a)    laugh

b)    sigh

c)    cry

d)    none

    Ans- b)    sigh .

42) Desdemona agreed to marry Othello-

a)    with consent of her father

b)    with the consent of her mother

c)    privately

d)    openly

    Ans- c)    privately .

43) Brabantio would not accept Othello as his son-in-law because of his-

a)    colour

b)    fortune

c)    rank

d)    both a and b

    Ans- d)    both a and b .

44) Brabantio thought he had been deceived because Desdemona loved-

a)    a Senator

b)    a soldier

c)    the black Moor

d)    a duke

    Ans- c)    the black Moor .

45) On hearing the news of secret marriage of Othello and Desdemona, Brabantio-

a)    accused Othello

b)    was happy

c)    blessed the couple

d)    did nothing

    Ans- a)    accused Othello .

46) Othello was accused of-

a)    marrying Desdemona without her father's consent

b)    marrying Desdemona without her willingness

c)    using spells and witchcraft to attract Desdemona to marry him

d)    all the three above

    Ans-  c)    using spells and witchcraft to attract Desdemona to marry him .

47) All the time of Brabantio's lodging protest against Othello for marrying his daughter the state of Venice was in need of the service of-

a)    Montano

b)    Brabantio

c)    Cassius

d)    Othello

    Ans- d)    Othello .

48) The person who only could defend Cyprus against the Turks was-

a)    Casius 

b)    Othello

c)    Brabantio

d)    lago

    Ans- b)    Othello .

49) The Duke gave patience hearing to the accusation of Brabantio because he was-

a)    aged

b)    an orator

c)    crafty

d)    a and b

    Ans- d)    a and b .

50) In the Senate Othello narrated the story of his love with-

a)    high sounding words

b)    artless eloquence

c)    much repetition

d)    much sorrow

    Ans- b)    artless eloquence .

51) What Othello said was confirmed by-

a)    Brabantio himself

b)    Desdemona herself

c)    lago

d)    none

    Ans- b)    Desdemona herself .

52) When Othello landed in Cyprus, the island was -

a)    terribly attacked

b)    unsafe

c)    peaceful

d)    secure from an immediate apprehension of an attack

    Ans- d)    secure from an immediate apprehension of an attack .

53) Othello went to Cyprus-

a)    alone

b)    with Desdemona

c)    with Brabantio

d)    with the duke

    Ans- b)    with Desdemona .

54) Among all the general's friends the one who possessed the confidence of Othello was-

a)    lago 

b)    Cassio

c)    Montano

d)    Brabantio

    Ans- b)    Cassio .

55) Michael Cassio was-

a)    young and gay

b)    amorous and pleasing

c)    handsome and eloquent

d)    all the three

    Ans- d)    all the three .

56) Michael Cassio was not-

a)    Young and gay

b)    Shy and reserved

c)    pleasing

d)    eloquent

    Ans- b)    Shy and reserved .

57) Whom did Desdemona love and trust next to Othello?-

a)    lago

b)    Montano

c)    Cassio

d)    none

    Ans- c)    Cassio .

58) Cassio was promoted to the rank of lieutenant, It offended-

a)    the Duke

b)    Brabantio

c)    Montano

d)    lago

    Ans- d)    lago .

59) lago was displeased with Othello for his-

a)    favouring Cassio

b)    favouring Montano

c)    favouring Desdemona

d)    favouring Emilia

    Ans- a)    favouring Cassio .

60) The name of lago's wife is-

a)    Rosalind

b)    Ophelia

c)    Emilia

d)    Olivia

    Ans- c)    Emilia .

61) lago panned to succeed in moving Othello envious of-

a)    Montano

b)    Cassio

c)    the Duke

d)    Desdemona

    Ans- b)    Cassio .

62) According to lago what is the most unbearable?-

a)    Pleasure of friendship

b)    The role of an enemy

c)    Pains of jealousy 

d)    None

    Ans-  c)    Pains of jealousy  .

63) The arrival of Othello and Desdemona in Cyprus and the news of the dispersion of the enemy's fleet made-

a)    a sort of holiday mood in the island

b)    all unhappy

c)    all hopeless

d)    none

    Ans- a)    a sort of holiday mood in the island .

64) The soldiers were asked to keep away from-

a)    excess dancing

b)    excess merit-making

c)    excess drinking

d)    none

    Ans- c)    excess drinking .

65) The soldiers were asked to keep away from excess drinking so that-

a)    they could take rest

b)    no brawl might arise

c)    they could fight well

d)    they could sleep well

    Ans-  c)    they could fight well .  

66) lago did the mischief by giving Cassio-

a)    no wine

b)    poison

c)    a blow

d)    much wine

    Ans-  d)    much wine .

67) Immediately Cassio fell into the guile of-

a)    Montano

b)    lago

c)    Brabantio

d)    Desdemona

    Ans- b)    lago .

68) Whom did lago lure to drink more?

a)    Montano

b)    Emilia

c)    Cassio

d)    Brabantio

    Ans- c)    Cassio .

69) Being provoked by lago, Cassio praised-

a)    Emilia

b)    Desdemona

c)    Ophelia

d)    none

    Ans- b)    Desdemona .

70) The officer who interfered to pacify the dispute among the soldiers was-

a)    Montano

b)    lago

c)    Cassio

d)    Othello

    Ans- a)    Montano .

71) Othello punished Cassio by-

a)    putting him into the prison

b)    taking away rank of Lieutenant from Cassio

c)    rebuking him

d)    none

    Ans- b)    taking away rank of Lieutenant from Cassio .

72) Who caused the castle bell to ring?-

a)    lago

b)    Montano

c)    Cassio

d)    Emilia

    Ans- a)    lago .

73) The person who was a strict observer of discipline was-

a)    Cassio

b)    Montano

c)    lago

d)    Othello

    Ans- d)    Othello .

74) lago advised Othello-

a)    to put off his reconcilement with Cassio little longer

b)    to make his reconcilement with Cassio effective in no time

c)    to put off his reconcilement with Cassio for good

d)    neither of these three

    Ans-  a)    to put off his reconcilement with Cassio little longer .

75) AT last lago requested Othello to regard his wife-

a)    guilty 

b)    cruel

c)    innocent

d)    none

    Ans- b)    cruel .

76) Othello failed to enjoy his sweet rest because of the plotting of-

a)    Cassio

b)    Emilia

c)    Desdemona

d)    lago

    Ans- d)    lago .

77) lago let Othello know that Cassio wiped his face with-

a)    Emilia's handkerchief

b)    Desdemona's handkerchief

c)    Othello's handkerchief

d)    Cassio's handkerchief

    Ans-  b)    Desdemona's handkerchief .

78) Induced by lago, Othello decided to take up wild revenge by putting-

a)    Cassio to death

b)    Cassio into jail

c)    both Cassio and Desdemona to death

d)    Desdemona to death

    Ans-   d)    Desdemona to death .

79) The handkerchief of his wife seen in Cassio's hand prompted Othello to pass death punishment upon-

a)    lago

b)    Cassio

c)    Desdemona

d)    both Cassio and Desdemona

    Ans-  c)    Desdemona .

80) Actually lago made his wife-

a)    to steal the handkerchief from Desdemona

b)    to steal the handkerchief from Cassio

c)    to collect a handkerchief

d)    none

    Ans- a)    to steal the handkerchief from Desdemona .

81) Othello told Desdemona that the handkerchief was a-

a)    beautiful one

b)    magical one

c)    sensitive one

d)    furious one

    Ans- b)    magical one .

82) When Othello demanded the handkerchief he had presented to her, Desdemona-

a)    produced the handkerchief then and there

b)    could not produce the handkerchief

c)    began to find it out

d)    became thoughtful

    Ans- b)    could not produce the handkerchief .

83) When Desdemona failed to produce the handkerchief Othello accused her of being-

a)    loyal

b)    faithful

c)    unfaithful

d)    cruel

    Ans- c)    unfaithful .

84) When Desdemona's unfaithfulness had broken Othello's heart, he called Desdemona-

a)    a beautiful weed

b)    a sweet smelling weed

c)    a weed creating aching sensation

d)    all the three

    Ans- a)    a beautiful weed .

85) Othello put Desdemona to death when she-

a)    was quarrelling with Othello

b)    was looking for the handkerchief

c)    was asleep

d)    none

    Ans- c)    was asleep .

86) When Desdemona was asleep, Othello entered the bed chamber to-

a)    awaken her

b)    put to death

c)    speak highly of her

d)    none of these three

    Ans- b)    put to death .

87) When Othello kissed Desdemona for the last time, Desdemona-

a)    cried out in anger

b)    enjoyed it much

c)    was awakened

d)    got relief

    Ans- c)    was awakened .

88) According to Desdemona when Othello rolled his eyes he was always-

a)    fatal

b)    beloved

c)    sympathetic

d)    thoughtful

    Ans-  a)    fatal .

89) Desdemona knew that Othello was always fatal when-

a)    he gnawed his underlip

b)    rolled his eyes

c)    both a and b

d)    none

    Ans-  c)    both a and b .

90) Othello asked Desdemona to say her prayers before death because-

a)    he would not kill her soul

b)    he would give her a chance

c)    he would show her mercy

d)    none

    Ans-  a)    he would not kill her soul .

91) When Desdemona was put to death Cassio entered the house-

a)    in a festive mood

b)     in wounded and bleeding condition

c)    with tearful eyes 

d)    with a gentle smile on his lip

    Ans- b)     in wounded and bleeding condition .

92) As Desdemona wanted to know her fault (before death) Othello mentioned about-

a)    her indifference to Cassio

b)    her indifference to Othello

c)    Cassio and the handkerchief, he had given her

d)    no more and covering her up in the bed clothes, stifled her till death

    Ans- c)    Cassio and the handkerchief, he had given her .

93) Cassio was-

a)    clever

b)    innocent

c)    dishonest

d)    a villain

    Ans- b)    innocent .

94) lago was-

a)    a villain 

b)    innocent

c)    loyal

d)    honest

    Ans- a)    a villain  .

95) Othello was -

a)    cruel

b)    fair

c)    dishonest

d)    a good storyteller

    Ans- d)    a good storyteller .

96) Brabantio was-

a)    a rich Senator of Venice

b)    the brother of lago

c)    a soldier

d)    a friend of Othello

    Ans- a)    a rich Senator of Venice .

97) Emilia was-

a)    the daughter of Brabantio

b)    wife of lago

c)    a friend of Othello

d)    the friend of Desdemona

    Ans- b)    wife of lago .

98) Othello's tragedy was caused for-

a)    his pride

b)    his jealousy

c)    his trust on lago

d)    his trust on Cassio

    Ans- c)    his trust on lago .

99) Desdemona's tragedy was caused for-

a)     her being open-hearted

b)    her being unfaithful

c)    her illicit love towards Cassio

d)    none

    Ans- a)     her being open-hearted .

100) The person who stole the handkerchief from Desdemona-

a)    Othello

b)    lago

c)    Montano

d)    Emilia

    Ans-   d)    Emilia .

101) The pattern embroidered on the handkerchief was -

a)    Strawberries

b)    Dots

c)    Leaves

d)    Daggers

    Ans-  a)    Strawberries .

102) The person who made the handkerchief inherited by Othello was-

a)    Othello's mother

b)    an Egyptian charmer

c)    Othello's beloved

d)    Othello's grandmother

    Ans-  a)    Othello's mother .

103) Othello killed Desdemona by -

a)    stabing her

b)    beating her to death

c)    smothering her

d)    none of these three

    Ans- d)    none of these three .

104) The nation that threatens the Venetian stronghold at Cyprus was -

a)    Turkey

b)    Egypt

c)    Libya

d)    Cyprus

    Ans- a)    Turkey .

105) The person who made Othello doubtful about Desdemona was -

a)    Brabantio

b)    Cassio

c)    lago

d)    Montano

    Ans- c)    lago .

106) The final evaluation of Othello about Desdemona after her death was -

a)    that Desdemona had ever been faithful to him

b)    that Desdemona had never been faithful to him

c)    that Desdemona had loved Cassio much

d)    none of these three

    Ans- b)    that Desdemona had never been faithful to him .

107) Othello was summoned before the senate as a -

a)    soldier to be arrested 

b)     as a culprit, charged with offences

c)    as an orator

d)    as a recipient of honor

    Ans- b)     as a culprit, charged with offences .

108) lago wanted to take revenge on-

a)    Cassio

b)    Desdemona

c)    Othello

d)    Emilia

    Ans- a)    Cassio .

109) Othello killed Desdemona as he suspected that-

a)    Desdemona had a secret relationship with Cassio

b)    Desdemona had a secret love for lago

c)    Desdemona had not lived him any way

d)    None of these three

    Ans- a)    Desdemona had a secret relationship with Cassio .

110) Desdemona deceived her father because-

a)    she loved the Moor to a great extent

b)    she loved her mother more than her father

c)    she began to hate Othello while hearing him tell the stories

d)    neither of the three

    Ans- a)    she loved the Moor to a great extent .

111) Brabantio hoped that his son-in-law would belong to the rank of a-

a)    soldier

b)    Senator

c)    minister

d)    social reformer

    Ans- c)    minister .

112) Othello accused Desdemona of being-

a)    jealous

b)    selfish

c)    suspicious

d)    unfaithful

    Ans- d)    unfaithful .

113) Othello's first gift to Desdemona was a-

a)    fan

b)    gown

c)    book

d)    handkerchief

    Ans- d)    handkerchief .

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