All The Important Shorts Questions And Answers From Leela's Friend Class 11 WBCHSE/SAQ from Leela's Friend .

SAQ From Leela’s Friend By R K Narayan


Leela's Friend Important Shorts Question (SAQ) Class 11

1)             1. Where did Mr Sivasanker first meet Sidda ?

Ans - Mr Sivasanker first met Sidda in the front veranda of his  house in the short story ‘Leela’s Friend written by R.K Narayan.

  1. 2   What did Sidda ask Mr Sivasanker first?

 Ans- Sidda asked Mr Sivasanker  if he wanted a sarvent .                                                                                                                                                             


3)     What is Mr Sivasanker’s first impression of Sidda?

Ans- Mr Sivasanker’s first impression of Sidda was that he did not seem to be a bad sort , at any rate the fellow looks tidy.


4)     Mr Sivasanker appointed Sidda on what considerations? –State.

Ans- Mr Sivasanker appointed Sidda on the consideration of his daughter, Leela that she liked Sidda.


5)     What were the jobs allotted to Sidda?

 Ans- The jobs allotted to Sidda were washing clothes,tending the garden,ran errands, chopping wood and looking after Leela.


6)     Did Sidda know the name of his previous employer?

Ans- Sidda did not know the name of his previous employer.


7)     “He lives near the market.” –Who said this and about whom?

Ans- The above line is taken from R.K Narayan’s short story ‘Leela’s Friend’ , here Sidda said this about his previous employer, a doctor.


8)     “Let us keep him in our house.” –who said this and about whom ?

Ans-  In the short story ‘Leela’s Friend’ written by R.K Narayan , here Leela said this about Sidda.


9)     What is your idea of Sidda from his conversation and behavior  with little Leela ?

Ans- From his behavior and conversation we can understand that sidda was imaginative , affectionate and entertaining .


10)  “……..mother gave her a slap” –Who did slap whom and why ?

Ans- In the short story ‘Leela’s Friend’ written by R.K Narayan,here Leela’s mother slapped her daughter Leela, as Leela was unable to tell about her gold chain which she had been wearing.


11)  “One evening ………” –What happened one evening ?

Ans- One evening Sidda went to buy suger and Leela also went with him but when they came home Leela’s mother noticed that a gold chain Leela had been wearing was missing.


12)  “Day by day she clung closer to him” –Who were ‘she’ and ‘him’ ?

Ans- In the short story ‘Leela’s Friend’ written by R.K Narayan, here Leela is referred as ‘she’ and Sidda is referred as ‘him’.


13)  What did Leela use to do after dinner ?

Ans- After dinner Leela used to hear a bed time story from Sidda .


14)  How Sidda react  when Leela’s mother asked him about Leela’s gold chain ?

Ans- When Leela’s mother asked Sidda about Leela’s gold chain, he blinked and answer that he did not know.


15)  “His throat went dry…….” –Whose throat went dry and why?

Ans- In the short story ‘Leela’s Friend’ written by R.K Narayan, here Sidda’s throat went dry because her mother suspected him as a thief and asked him about the chain and he became nervous .


16)  Why did the police arrest Sidda ?

Ans- The police arrested Sidda to suspect him as a thief for stealing Leela’s gold chain .


17)  What did Mr Sivasanker do before appointing Sidda ?

Ans- Before appointing Sidda , Mr Sivasanker called his wife to decide about Sidda.


18)  What enquiries did Sivasanker make before appointing ?

Ans- Before appointing Sidda Mr Sivasanker enquired where he had been before and what his master’s name was and also why they had sent him away.


19)  What sort of stories did Sidda tell Leela ?

Ans- In the short story ‘Leela’s Friend’ written by R.K Narayan, here Sidda used to tell the stories of animals in the jungle , of Gods in heaven, of magicians who could conjure up golden castles and fill them with little princesses and their pets.


20)  What was Leela’s attitude to Sidda ?

Ans- In the short story ‘Leela’s Friend’ written by R.K Narayan, here Leela was always friendly to Sidda .


21)  Where was the lost gold chain found at last ?

Ans- At last the gold chain was found in tamarind pot in the short story ‘Leela’s Friend’ written by R.K Narayan.


22)  What was the attitude of the police to Sidda ?

Ans- The police always behaved with him as a criminal who had gone to the prison for several times for stealing jewellery from children.


23)  What ultimately happened to Sidda ?

Ans- Towards the end of the story Mr Sivasanker decided to dismiss Sidda from their house.


24)  Was there any change in Sidda’s position after the recovery of Leela’s gold chain ?

Ans- Yes, they decided to dismissed Sidda from their house after the recovery of Leela’s gold chain.


25)  “Mr Sivasanker was standing” –Who was Mr Sivasanker ?

Ans- Mr Sivasanker was Leela’s father who was brooding over the servant problem ,  standing in the front veranda of his house .



26)  “Sir, do you want a servant?” –Who does put the question and to whom?

Ans- In the short story ‘Leela’s Friend’ written by R.K Narayan, here Sidda  asked this question to Mr Sivasanker .


27)  Where did Sidda work before coming to ask Sivasanker for a job?

Ans- Sidda used to work in a doctor’s house near the market before coming to ask Sivasanker for a job .


28)  Why  did Sidda leave the old master’s job?

Ans- Sidda left the old master’s job because they left the town .


29)  According to Sidda, how can Leela touch the sky?

Ans- According to sidda , she could touch the sky if she stand on a coconut tree in the short story ‘Leela’s Friend’ written by R.K Narayan.


30)  Who did ask Sidda to throw the ball into the sky ?

Ans- In the short story ‘Leela’s Friend’ written by R.K Narayan, here Leela asked Sidda to throw the ball into the sky.


31)  What problem was Mr Sivasanker brooding over ?

Ans- In the short story ‘Leela’s Friend’ written by R.K Narayan, here Mr Sivasanker was brooding over the servant problem.


32)  What was Sidda doing when Mr Sivasanker was standing in the veranda of his house ?

Ans- Sidda was hanging about the gate at a moment when Mr Sivasnaker was standing in the veranda of his house.


33)  What was the impression of Mr Sivasanker after he subjected Sidda to a scrutiny?

Ans- After subjected Sidda to a scrutiny Mr Sivasanker thought Sidda as a good fellow and tidy.

34)  “Why did they send you away?” –Who puts this question and to whom ? What is the reply ?

Ans- In the short story ‘Leela’s Friend’ written by R.K Narayan, here Mr Sivasanker asked this question to Sidda and he replied that they left the town.


35)  What was Leela’s role in the matter of engaging Sidda as a servant in their family?

Ans- In the matter of engaging Sidda as a servant in their family, Leela took the final call, as she gave a cry of joy that she liked Sidda and that was decided.


36)  “And that decided it “ –What decided that? Or, What are referred to as ‘that’ and ‘it’ ?

Ans- In the short story ‘Leela’s Friend’ written by R.K Narayan, here ‘it’ refers to the engagement of  Sidda as a servant in Mr Sivasanker’s house.


37)  “Mr Sivasanker was unable to make up his mind? –In what respect Mr Sivasanker was unable to make up his mind ? What did he do then ?

Ans- In the short story ‘Leela’s Friend’ written by R.K Narayan, here Mr Sivasanker was unable to make up his mind about Sidda to take him as a servant in his house.

               Being unable to decide his mind, he called his wife.


38)  “He doesn’t seem  to me worse….” –Whose remark is this ? About whom does the speaker remark so ?

Ans- In the short story ‘Leela’s Friend’ written by R.K Narayan, here Leela’s mother remarked this about Sidda.


39)  “Sidda, come and play” –Who said this ? what did Sidda do then?

Ans- Here in the story ‘Leela’s Friend’ Leela said this.

               Then, Sidda had to drop any work he might be doing and ran to her.


40)  Why did Leela ask for Sidda’s company?

Ans- Leela asked Sidda’s company, as she was greatly impressed by Sidda’s childish manner.


41)  ‘Leela keenly examined the ball !” –Why did Leela examine the ball keenly ?

Ans- Here in the story, Leela keenly examined the ball to see the traces of the moon, sticking.


42)  “I don’t see it” –Who is the speaker ? What does not the speaker see ? According to Sidda why doesn’t the speaker see it ?

Ans- In the short story ‘Leela’s Friend’ written by R.K Narayan, here the speaker is Leela.

               The speaker does not see the traces of the moon, sticking in the ball.

               According to Sidda the speaker could not see it because she had to be very quick about it as it was evaporated and went back to the moon.


43)  “What is in the sky?” –Who puts this question and to whom ?

Ans- In the short story ‘Leela’s Friend’ written by R.K Narayan, here Leela asked this question to Sidda.


44)  “Have you done it ?” –Whose question is this and to whom ? What is referred to by ‘it’?

Ans- Here in the story Leela’s question is this to Sidda.

               It refers to the touching of the sky, climbing on a coconut tree.


45)  “Leela clapped her hands and screamed in wonder.” –Why did Leela scream in wonder?

Ans- Leela clapped her hands and screamed in wonder to be delighted by the strange thing that the moon was following them from the rose plant to the well in the garden.


46)  “It gave her great joy” –Who is referred to as ‘her’? What is referred to as ‘it’?

Ans- Here Leela is referred to as ‘her’.

               It refers to play the role of teacher to Sidda in the story ‘Leela’s Friend’.


47)  “I think your mother is calling you to dinner.” –Who said and whom ? Why did the speaker say this ?

Ans- In the short story ‘Leela’s Friend’ written by R.K Narayan, here Sidda said this to Leela.

               The Speaker said this to get read of Leela’s evening class.


48)  “I told you to take it off and put it in the box.” –Who said this and to whom? What does ‘it’ refer to here ?

Ans- In the story ‘Leela’s Friend’ Mr Sivasanker said this to his wife.

               Here ‘it’ refers to Leela’s gold chain.


49)  “ I told you to take it off and put it in the box.” –Why had the speaker asked the person spoken to, to put the thing in the box?

Ans- The speaker asked the person to put the chain in the box because he saw Leela carrying it in her hand once or twice.


50)  “Her mother gave her a slap.” –Who is referred to here ? Why did she give her a slap?

Ans- Here Leela is referred to.

               Her mother gave her a slap as she has lost her gold chain and was unable to tell anything about it.

51)  “I don’t like you, mother.” –Who said this? To whom did the speaker say this? Why did the speaker say so ?

Ans- Here Leela said this to her mother.

               The speaker,Leela said so because her mother always abused and worried Sidda.


52)  “I have not taken It.” –Who said this? What is referred to as ‘it’?

Ans- In the story Sidda said this.

               It is referred to the gold chain.



53)  “Leela was in tears.” –When and why was Leela in tears?

Ans- Leela was in tears when the police took Sidda by the hand and turn to go.

               She was in tears because Sivasanker carried Leela back into the house from Sidda.


54)  “Leela’s face became red.” –When and why did Leela’s face become red?

Ans- Leela’s face became red when her parents repeatedly asked sidda about her gold chain in anger and impatience .


55)  “I think he is angry with us.” –Who said this and to whom ? About whom does the speaker say this?

Ans- In R K Narayan’s story ‘Leela’s Friend’ here Leela said this to her mother . She said this about Sidda .


56)  “Take him to the station.” –Who gave this order and to whom ?

Ans- In the story the police inspector gave this order to the police constable .


57)  “Take him to the station.” Which station is referred to here ? Why was such an order given ?

Ans- The station is referred to here is polish station . The police  inspector gave this order to take sidda for further investigation about stolen chain .


58)  “I want to play with him.” –Who says this? With whom does  the speaker want to play?

Ans- Here in the story Leela the daughter of Sivasanker said this .

               The speaker wanted to play with Sidda , servant of their house .


59)  What was Leela’s box filled with ?

Ans- Leela’s box was filled with catalogues , illustrated books and stumps of pencils.


60)  “….he is a thief.” –Whose remark is this? Who is ‘he’? To whom is this remark made ?

Ans- Here in the story the police made this remark . He refers to Sidda , the servant of Sivasanker’s house . This remark is made to Leela .


61)  How did sidda look at Leela while she clung to his hand?

Ans- When Leela clung to sidda’s hand he looked at her mutely like an animal .


62)  Which thought made Leela’s mother panicky ?

Ans-Leela’s mother thought that sidda with his household knowledge might come back one night to loot that house and probably kill Leela for her gold chain , this thought made Leela’s mother panicky .


63)  What did Sidda do at Mr. Sivasanker’s house ?

Ans- Sidda washed clothes , tended the garden , chopped woods ran errands  and looked after Leela at Mr. Sivasanker’s house .

64)  What did Leela ask Sidda to draw?

Ans- Leela asked sidda to draw ‘crow’ and ‘B’.

65)  Who asked Sidda to throw the ball into the sky?

Ans- Leela asked sidda to throw the ball in to the sky .

66)  What was Mr. Sivasanker brooding over, standing in the veranda of his house?

Ans- Standing in the front veranda of his house Mr sivasanker was brooding over the servant problem .

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