The poem Autumn - John Clare

The poem Autumn - John Clare/Autumn poem class ix line by line explanation . * What is the poem Autumn by John Clare about ?

The poem Autumn - John Clare


                             --John Clare

The poem Autumn - John Clare

The Poet:

John Clare (1793-1864) was an English poet famous for his presentation of English countryside .Some notable collection of his poetry are First Love,Snow Storm,The village minstrel and other poems etc .

                                                               The Poem

I love the fitful gust that shakes
The casement all day,
And from the mossy elm-tree takes
the faded leaves away ,
Twirling them by the window pane 
With thousand others down the lane.

I love to see the shaking twig
Dance till the shut of eve
The sparrow on the cottage rig,
Whose chirp would make believe 
That spring was just now flirting by
In summer's lap with flowers to lie.

I love to see the cottage smoke
Curl upwards through the naked trees,
The pigeons nestled the cote
On dull November days like these;
The cock upon the dung-hill crowing,
The mill sails on the heath a going.

The feathers from the raven's breast 
Falls on the stubble lea ,
The acorns near the old crow's nest
Fall pattering down the tree;
The grunting pigs,that wait for all,
Scramble and hurry where they fall .

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* What is the main theme of the Poem Autumn  ?

In the above poem the poet John Clare presents the vivid picture of autumn's beauty in the countryside.On giving various account of its beauty , it is characterized by falling leaves, bare branches and strong winds.

*What is the  Analysis of the poem Autumn ?

        By this poem  John Clare represents the beauty of autumn with his own sweet will. In the very beginning of the poem the poet expressed that he loves the wind that shakes the casement all through the day and from the mossy elm-tree, it takes away all the faded leaves and twirled them near the window pane and thousands others leaves also twirled by the wind down the lane. 
                 The poet also loves to see the twig that shakes by the strong wind of autumn and it dances till the evening .The sparrow sits on the cottage's roof and its chirping notes make believe us that spring just flirted by in summers lap.

                 The poet loves to see the smoke of cottage that curls upward through the naked trees .On dull November days the pigeons move around its nest and the cock crows upon the dung hill . The mill continuously moves through the meadows . The feathers of raven falls on the stubble lea.

                In autumn , the fruit acorn falls from the tree near the old crow's nest by making pattering sound and the pigs grunt and wait for all in hurrying mood  and they scramble to get those fruits.

* What is the poem Autumn by John Clare about ?

        The poem autumn written by John Clare is about the native beauty of nature in the season of autumn in country side .The natural beauty of that season , that greatly moved the poet's heart . He loves to see the rough wind of the season that blows through the day and shakes the big casement . In this season the rural nature is decorated with utmost beauty that draws the poet's mind .He likes to see the cottage smoke , dry twig , the chirping of the birds , and all the other native beauty of the country side . 

What is the central idea of the poem Autumn ?

        The poem is mainly written on the rural beauty of the countryside in the season of autumn , when the nature looks beautiful . The poet refers how pleasantly the wind blows through the day that takes away the faded leaves of the tree and the other elements of nature . 

Autumn poem class ix line by line explanation . 

                                      "  I love the fitful gust that shakes
The casement all day,"

     Here the poet refers that the rough winds blows through the day and that shakes the casement of the house in the season of autumn and he likes  to see this beauty . 

                                                   "And from the mossy elm-tree takes
the faded leaves away ,
Twirling them by the window pane 
                                            With thousand others down the lane"       

            The poet says that the wind blows away the faded leaves of the mossy elm-tree and spring around them near the window of the poet and with thousands others near the allies of the poets house .            

"I love to see the shaking twig
                                                        Dance till the shut of eve  "

        The poet loves to see the twig of the trees that is shaken by the rough wind of the autumn and it moves in a dancing manner until the evening comes . 

                                                            The sparrow on the cottage rig,
Whose chirp would make believe 
That spring was just now flirting by
In summer's lap with flowers to lie.

        In the days of autumn the sparrow sings from the cottage roof that makes us to believes that the springs has just gone in the lap of nature . we realize to see the flowers that lies . 

                                I love to see the cottage smoke
Curl upwards through the naked trees,

        The poet loves to see the smoke of the cottage that moves upwards and through the naked trees . 

The pigeons nestled the cote
On dull November days like these;

        Here again the poet described the native beauty of countryside that the pigeons flies  abouts around their nest on the dull days of November . 

The cock upon the dung-hill crowing,
The mill sails on the heath a going.

        Again the village cock that is seen upon the hill of the garbage and smell of that moves around the surroundings which is the rear beauty of the village . 

                                    The feathers from the raven's breast 
        Falls on the stubble lea ,

        The feathers from the breast of the raven that falls on the fields  of the corn that makes the place beautiful . 

                                            The acorns near the old crow's nest
Fall pattering down the tree;
The grunting pigs,that wait for all,
Scramble and hurry where they fall .

       When  the fruits of acorns that falls from the tree making the pattering sound  the grunting pigs waits for those and hurry to find the places where to fall . 

↠ View of The Poem:

Actually the poem is nothing but poet's own view of nature that he hardly described the beauty of autumn in countryside ,all through the poem .

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The poem Autumn - John Clare

Word Note:

Fitful gust-irregular wind ,   
Casement-a kind of big window made of wood.
Elm-tree--a type of tree that is seen in western country.
Twirling-spinning round and round.
Stubble-the short lower part of stem of crops.
lea-grass cover land.
Acorn-small brown nut of oak tree.
Pattering-making repeated sound.


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