SAQ questions answers from brotherhood class 11/brotherhood SAQ questions answers


1) "........ little do I last and the night is enormous." -What does the poet mean? Or, In 'Brotherhood' , what does Octavio Paz mean by "little do I last"?

2) "But I look up: " -Bring out the sense here. Or, What does the poet see when he looks up in the poem 'Brotherhood'?

3) "......the stars write." -What do the stars write/control? Or, Who, according to the poet of 'Brotherhood' writes and what?

4) "Unknowing I understand......." -What is meant here ? Or, "Unknowing I understand" -What does the poet understand here?

5) " this very moment 

someone spells me out." -Who is 'someone' and what is meant by 'spells me out'?

6) "I too am written," -What sense does the expression carry?

7) What is the original title of the poem 'Brotherhood'?

8) In which language was the poem actually written by Paz?

9) When was the poem 'Brotherhood' actually published?

10) Who translated the poem of Paz in English?

11) To whom is the poem 'Brotherhood' dedicated?

12) What kind of a poem is Brotherhood ?

13) When was Paz born?

14) What is the complete title of Octavio Paz's poem as presented in your syllabus?

15) In which year was Octavio Paz awarded the Novel Prize?

16) What is the theme of the poem, 'Brotherhood'?

17) How is the night and why?

18) What does 'homage to Claudius Ptolemy' suggest'?

19) What does the poet feel about his existence in the universe?

20) What contradiction does the poet focus on?

21) How do the stars act?

22) What does the poet hope finally?

23) What does 'Brotherhood' suggest here?

24) How does the poet express the magnitude of the night in 'Brotherhood'?

25) What does the poet of 'Brotherhood' see when he looks up?

26) Who, according to Octavio Paz, writes 'The Destiny of man'?


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