Mcq from composed upon westminister Bridge class xi

 Mcq from composed upon westminister Bridge class xi 

Mcq from composed upon westminister Bridge class xi
Mcq from composed upon westminister Bridge class xi 

1.   Westminister Bridge is a .....

    a. church    

    b. abbey     

    c. bridge            

    d. big building 

    Ans-     c. bridge  

2.     Westminister Bridge is situated in -

    a . Egypt 

    b. England 

    c. France 

    d. India 

    Ans-         b. England 

3.     The poet was -

    a . walking 

    b . standing 

    c . running 

    d . moving in a coach while composing the poem 

    Ans-        d . moving in a coach while composing the poem .

4 .    The Westminister Bridge is crossing - 

    a . the English channel 

    b . the Ganges 

    c . the river Thames 

    d . the tigris 

    Ans-    c . the river Thames .

5 .     At the end of the poem the poet invokes - 

    a . God 

    b . Muses 

    c . a dead friend 

    d . his own country 

    Ans-    a . God .

6 .     The poet never saw , never felt -

    a . a love so touching 

    b . a calm so deep 

    c . a pain so tormenting 

    d . a joy so wild 

       Ans-        b . a calm so deep .

7 .      The river glideth at - 

    a . his own sweet will 

    b . her own sweet will 

    c . its own sweet will 

    d . your own sweet will 

    Ans-        c . its own sweet will .

8 .     Upon westminister bridge is written by - 

    a . coleridge 

    b . Wordsworth 

    c . Keats 

    d . Tennyson 

    Ans-        b . Wordsworth 

9 .     Upon westminister bridge is a--

    a . sonnet 

    b . ballad 

    c . ode 

    d . lyric 

    Ans-        a . sonnet 

10 .     The sight that wordsworth saw appeared to him -

     a . mysterious 

     b . magical 

    c . menancing 

     d. majestic 

    Ans-         d. majestic 

11 .    The river thames found flowing  -

    a. noisily 

    b. violently 

    c. smoothly 

    d. brightly 

    Ans-        c. smoothly 

12.     The air in the morning is -

    a. with smoke 

    b. smokey 

    c. without smoke 

    d. full of smoke 

    Ans-        c. without smoke 

13    The city wears the garment of -

    a. mist 

    b. sun ray 

    c. wood 

    d. beauty 

    Ans-        d. beauty 

14.    In the poem we have the description of -

    a. the westminister bridge 

    b. the country side 

    c. the river thames 

    d. the city of london 

    Ans-        d. the city of london 

15   .    The very houses --the houses means -

    a. bricks and stones making the houses 

    b. inmates living in the houses 

    c. material of which the houses are made 

    Ans-        b. inmates living in the houses 

16.    Westminister bridge stands of the river -

    a. the pine 

    b. the nil 

    c. the Ganges 

    d. the Thames

    Ans-        d. the Thames

17.     In Upon westminister bridge the poet views the city -

    a. in the morning 

    b. at noon 

    c. in the evening 

    d. at  night 

    Ans-        a. in the morning 

18.    The earth has not anything to show more fair than -

    a. westminister bridge 

    b. the city of london 

    c. the country side 

    d. the river Ganges 

    Ans-        b. the city of london 

19.    Dull would he be of soul dull means -

    a. unintelligent 

    b. bored 

    c. devoid of sense of beauty 

    d. monotonous 

    Ans-        d. monotonous 

20.    A sight so touching in its majesty ---here sight refers to ---

    a. any natural sight 

    b. london in the early morning 

    c. the westminister bridge 

    d. london in the evening 

    Ans-        b. london in the early morning 

21.    The river glideth at his own sweet will ---here own sweet will means --

    a. forcefully 

    b. hurridely 

    c. in a leisurely way 

    d. in a way 

    Ans-        c. in a leisurely way 

22.    The person who passes without enjoying the beauty of the london morning is -

    a. dull 

    b. innovative 

    c. imaginative 

    d. busy 

    Ans-        a. dull 

23.    The mood in the poem is--

    a. tragic 

    b. comic 

    c. nostalgic 

    d. tranquil

    Ans-        d. tranquil

24.    The poet sees the london as 

    a. the part of nature 

    b. the nerve center of nature 

    c. alienated from nature 

    d. isolated 

    Ans-        b. the nerve center of nature 

25.    The poet enhances London by using --

    a. details in architecture     

    b. references to royalty 

    c. highlight of the city 

    d. superlatives 

    Ans-         c. highlight of the city 

26.    London is seen -

    a. in the morning light 

    b. at twilight 

    c. at noon 

    d. at midnight 

    Ans-        a. in the morning light 

 27. Identify the simile

a. Earth has nothing to show that is fairer.

b. the air is bright and glittering.

c. the city wears the beauty of the morning like a garment.

d. The sun steeps the city in its splendour .  

    Ans-    c. the city wears the beauty of the morning like a garment.

28. What is so touching in its majesty is the

a. scene.

b. beauty.

c. sight.

d. view.

    Ans-    c. sight.

29. The sight is so touching in its.

a. majesty.

b. grandeur.

c. beauty.

d. none of these.

    Ans-    a. majesty.

30. Earth has not anything to  show more.

a. beautiful.

b. marvellous.

c. fair.

d. interesting.

    Ans-    c. fair.

31. William Wordsworth believes that.

a. Nature is not a loving one. 

b. Nature never betrays that heart than loves her.

c. Nature cannot be compared to anything.

d. Unfamiliar cannot be made familiar.

    Ans-    c. Nature cannot be compared to anything.

32. The river Thames appears to beautiful.

a. at noon.

b. in the evening.

c. in the afternoon.

d. in the morning.

    Ans-    d. in the morning.

33. 'First splendour' used by Wordsworth is an indication of.

a. day break.

b. day end.

c. sun-rise.

d. sun-set.

    Ans-    c. sun-rise.

34. "Open unto the fields, and to the sky' Here the poet means to say that .

a. London does not excel in splendour.

b. London is not a part of Nature. 

c. beauty does not exist is urban life.

d. beauty does not exist is rural life.

    Ans-    c. beauty does not exist is urban life.

35. "Earth has not anything to show more fair.' Here the poet.

a. highlights earthly beauty.

b. highlights the beauty of Nature.

c. compares the beauty of the city of London with other scenes.

d. compares the beauty of the city with that of the villages.

    Ans-    b. highlights the beauty of Nature.

36. According to the poet a person would be dull of soul.

a. if he enjoys the beauty of the city of London.

b. if the person is not impressed by the morning scene of London.

c. if the person is not impressed by by evening beauty of the city of London.

d. if the person is not impressed by the night scene of the city of London.

    Ans-    b. if the person is not impressed by the morning scene of London.

37. The sight of the city of London is toughing because the .

a. atmosphere is calm and quiet atmosphere is clumsy.

b. atmosphere is clumsy.

c. sky is cloudy.

d. atmosphere is noisy.

    Ans-    a. atmosphere is calm and quiet atmosphere is clumsy.

38. The city of London wears the garment of .

a. the beauty of the morning.

b. the beauty of the evening.

c. the beauty of the afternoon.

d. the beauty at noon.

    Ans-    a. the beauty of the morning.

39. The garment of the city.

a. reveals the ugliness of the city.

b. reveals the beauty of the city.

c. makes the city look dull.

d. none of these.

    Ans-    b. reveals the beauty of the city.

40. According to Wordsworth, the sun in its splendour, had never shone more beautifully.

a. on the earth .

b. on London.

c. Valley, rock or hill.

d. none of these three.

    Ans- c. Valley, rock or hill.

41. The river Thames flows freely at its own sweet will because.

a. it is full of water.

b. it is dry .

c. there is no boat or ship to check its flow.

d. none of these three.

    Ans-    c. there is no boat or ship to check its flow.

42. The poet says "Dear God". he.

a. addresses god because he feels wonder.

b. believes that God does not exist in everything.

c. is a devotee to Christianity.

d. neither of these three.

    Ans- a. addresses god because he feels wonder.

43. "Never did the sun more beautifully steep.." Here the word "steep" means.

a. straight.

b. to strike.

c. to stand.

d. to submerge or cover.

    Ans- d. to submerge or cover.

44. The river glideth at his own sweet will Here the river refer to.

a. the Ganges.

b. The Thames .

c. The Nile.

d. note of these.

45. The expression "his own sweet will suggest that the river.

a. moves very fast.

b. moves very slowly.

c. moves freely .

d. is storm-tossed.

    Ans- c. moves freely .

46. The poet addresses "God" out of.

a. fear.

b. joy and wonder.

c. excitement.

d. none.

     Ans- b. joy and wonder.

47. "And all that mightly heart is lying still Here the expression mightly heart refers to.

a. energy or vitality of the city.

b. the loneliness of the city.

c. sensitive heart of the poet.

d. none of these three.

    Ans- b. the loneliness of the city.

48. The poet Wordsworth thinks that a person who does not feel interest in the beautiful morning is.

a. sensitive.

b. insensitive.

c. dull.

d. brilliant.

    Ans- c. dull.

49. According to the poet God exists.

a. in heaven .

b. in us.

c. in everything in nature.

d. nowhere.

     Ans- c. in everything in nature.

50. Upon Westminster Bridge describes the city of .

a. Kolkata.

b. New York .

c. Liverpool. 

d. London.

    Ans- d. London.

51. Whose heart is described as mighty heart.

a. the heart of the poet.

b. the heart of the city of London .

c. the heart of the city of Kolkata.

d. the heart of Dorothy.

     Ans- b. the heart of the city of London .

52. How is the air of the morning in the city of London It is.

a. dusty.

b. bright.

c. cloudy.

d. smokeless.

    Ans-d. smokeless.

53. When was the poem written It was written while he was.

a. going to England.

b. crossing London.

c. with his sister.

d. crossing the Westminster Bridge with his sister.

    Ans- d. crossing the Westminster Bridge with his sister.


54. The poem describes the picture of .

a. morning.

b. noon.

c. evening.

d. night.

    Ans- a. morning.

55. The prevailing calmness of London is .

a. shallow.

b. deep.

c. dear.

d. undesirable.

        Ans- b. deep.

56. Wherefrom does Wordsworth see the beauty of London.

a. from London Bridge.

b. from Howrah Bridge.

c. from Westminster Bridge.

d. from the Church of London.

    Ans- c. from Westminster Bridge.

57. who was the companion of Wordsworth at the time of comparing the poem, "Upon the Westminster Bridge".

a. Coleridge.

b. Dorothy.

c. his wife.

d. none.

    Ans- b. Dorothy.

58. Ships, towers, domes, theatres and temples lie Here the dome refers to the dome of.

a. any house.

b. a church.

c. a monastery.

d. St. Paul's Cathedral.

    Ans-b. a church.

59. "Never did the sun more beautifully steep In his first splendour... Here first splendour, means

a. first sight.

b. morning.

c. first appearance.

d. neither of these three.

    Ans- b. morning.

60. The synonym of the word 'fair' is .

a. just .

b. large.

c. gathering of people.

d. beautiful 

    Ans-d. beautiful 

61. In the poem steep means.

a. powerful.

b. submerge.

c. strict.

d. hard.

    Ans-    b. submerge.

62. In the poem 'mighty' means.

a. probability

b. powerful.

c. strictly.

d. generous.

    Ans- b. powerful.

63. The word 'majesty' means.

a. grandeur.

b. big.

c. power.

d. strength.

    Ans- a. grandeur.

64. In the poem the word 'bare' means.

a. not covered.

b. empty.

c. covered.

d. dusty.

    Ans- a. not covered.

65. In the poem 'flittering' means.

a. shining bright.

b. exciting.

c. illuminating.

d. none.

    Ans- a. shining bright.

66. The opposite word of 'bare' is.

a. not covered.

b. covered.

c. attractive.

d. illuminative.

    Ans- a. not covered.

67. The opposite word of 'flittering' is .

a. illuminating.

b. shining.

c. fading.

d. none of these.

    Ans- c. fading.

68. The opposite word if 'mightly' is.

a. powerless. 

b. powerful.

c. strong.

d. willing.

    Ans- a. powerless. 

69. The opposite word of 'earth' is .

a. hell .

b. ocean.

c. heaven .

d. sky.

    Ans- d. sky.

70. The opposite word of 'fair' is'

a. baring .

b cowardice.

c. moderate.

d. ugly.

    Ans- d. ugly.

71. The opposite word of 'bright' is.

a. dark. 

b. ugly.

c. beautiful.

d. dull.

    Ans- a. dark. 

72. The anotonym word of 'silent. is.

a. solitude.

b. calm.

c. noisy.

d. noise.

    Ans- c. noisy.

73. The opposite word of calm is 

a. shrill.

b. quietness.

c. noise/noisy 

d. loud.

    Ans- c. noise/noisy 

74. The river glideth at his own sweet.

a. desire. 

b, pace.

c. heart.

d. will.

    Ans- d. will.

75. What feature of romantic poetry do we see here.

a. celebration of nature.

b. celebration of the city as a nature landscape.

c. celebration of man.

d. celebration of the homeland.

    Ans- a. celebration of nature.

76. That is the feeling that the poet experiences that he has never experienced before.

a. the feeling of calm.

b. the feeling. of ecstacy.

c. the feeling of joy.

d. the feeling of wonder.

    Ans- c. the feeling of joy.

77. How does the poet refer to the sun and the river.

a. as elements of nature.

b. as phenomena. 

c. as animate beings.

d. as gods.

    Ans- a. as elements of nature.

78. What is the object of the poet's adoration.

a. Nature. 

b. Earth.

c. London .

d. Britain.

    Ans- a. Nature. 

27.     The person who passes without enjoying the beauty of the morning --

    a.  dull 

    b. inovative 

    c. imaginative 

    d. busy 

28.    In the poem the London's view is -

    a. Hazy 

    b. fogy 

    c. clear 

    d. cloudy 

29.     In early morning the air of London is -

    a. fogy 

    b. full of smoke 

    c. polluted 

    d. smokeless 

30 .     The person who could pass by would be dull of -

    a. mind     

    b. soul 

    c. heart 

    d. senses 

31 .    'Dull would be of soul ' ---here dull means --

    a. boring 

    b. unintelligent 

    c. insensitive 

    d. monotonous 

32 .      



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